
本命cp: [型月] 闪拉二、伯爵黑贞。 [阴阳师] 晴光。[SS/LC] 撒隆、隆米、隆苏、米雅

本命: 岩窟王,吉尔伽美什,漩涡鸣人,撒加,加隆





还是那一句小提醒,这里的所有科普都是历史向的,与FGO和苍银的设定毫无关系,所以还请不要拿型月设定来和我讨论史向哦 0W<

有时间的话还想翻译WIKI的拉二页面,不过现在时间紧凑只能先把重要的版块拿出来啦(暂时不包括主要战役),因为肝游戏的关系(误),完成的速度有点慢还请见谅,我也欢迎各类友好的讨论和补充,互扔干货的学术研讨再美好不过啦 0W<

本篇大部分的来源都是来自wiki和Ancient History,以下会贴出出处的具体地址。
还有来自Ancient History的申明:
Nefertali was the wifi and queen of Ramses II. She lived during the New Kingdom Period and was a member of Egypt’s 19th Dynasty. Nefertari’s known biography begins after her husband became Egypt’s ruler. Scholars know little about her family or past but they can make some assumptions based on her titles.


要是都ok的话—— Let’s GO!


1. 生平

“ Nefertari, also known as Nefertari Meritmut, was an Egyptian queen and the first of the Great Royal Wives (or principal wives) of Ramesses the Great.[1] Nefertari means 'beautiful companion' and Meritmut means 'Beloved of [the goddess] Mut'. She is one of the best known Egyptian queens, next to Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Hatshepsut. She was highly educated and able to both read and write hieroglyphs, a very rare skill at the time. She used these skills in her diplomatic work, corresponding with other prominent royals of the time. ”
“ Nefertari held many different titles, including: Great of Praises (wrt-hzwt), Sweet of Love (bnrt-mrwt), Lady of Grace (nbt-im3t), Great King’s Wife (hmt-niswt-wrt), his beloved (hmt-niswt-wrt meryt.f), Lady of The Two Lands (nbt-t3wy), Lady of all Lands (hnwt-t3w-nbw), Wife of the Strong Bull (hmt-k3-nxt), god's Wife (hmt-ntr), Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt (hnwt-Shm’w-mhw).[2] Ramesses II also named her 'The one for whom the sun shines’.”
—— Wikipedia

“ At the young age of 13 she married the 15-year-old Ramses II, who would come to be famously known as Ramses the Great.
Nefertari was likely a noblewoman but not a member of the royal family. She uses the titles associated with a noblewoman but no titles calling herself a king’s daughters. Records say that Ramses II and Nefertari were married before he ascended the throne. Official records mention her from the first year of his reign.”
—— Ancient History

Although Nefertari's family background is unknown, the discovery in her tomb of a knob inscribed with the cartouche of Pharaoh Ay has led people to speculate she was related to him.[1] The time between the reign of Ay and Ramesses II means that Nefertari could not be a daughter of Ay and if any relation exists at all, she would be a great-granddaughter. There is no conclusive evidence linking Nefertari to the royal family of the 18th dynasty, however.[3
—— Wikipedia

妮菲塔丽,又称Nefertari Meritmut, 是埃及的王后,也是拉美西斯二世的第一任王妃。妮菲塔丽的名字寓意着 “美丽的伴侣”,而Meritmut寓意着 “穆特神的爱人”。她是最著名的埃及王后之一,知名度仅次于克里奥帕特拉(埃及艳后),妮菲提提,和哈特谢普苏特(女法老)。妮菲塔丽的受教育程度很高,并且能够读写象形文字,这在当时是一种非常出众的才能。与同期的其他出众贵族一样,她将这些技能运用在外交上。

妮菲塔丽拥有众多的头衔,包括:崇高的赞扬,甜蜜的爱情,优雅的贵妇人,国王的妻子,他的爱人,两地的贵妇人,大地的贵妇人,公牛的妻子,上帝的妻子,上下埃及的女主人,拉美西斯二世也称呼她为 “太阳为之闪耀的女人”。



2. 子嗣

“ Nefertari had at least four sons and two daughters. Amun-her-khepeshef, the eldest was Crown Prince and Commander of the Troops, and Pareherwenemefwould later serve in Ramesses II’s army. Prince Meryatum was elevated to the position of High Priest of Re in Heliopolis. Inscriptions mention he was a son of Nefertari. Prince Meryre is a fourth son mentioned on the façade of the small temple at Abu Simbel and is thought to be another son of Nefertari. Meritamen and Henuttawyare two royal daughters depicted on the façade of the small temple at Abu Simbel and are thought to be daughters of Nefertari.[1]

Princesses named Bak(et)mut,[5] Nefertari,[1] and Nebettawy are sometimes suggested as further daughters of Nefertari based on their presence in Abu Simbel, but there is no concrete evidence for this supposed family relation.”

—— Wikipedia

“ Rameses II ruled Egypt for 67 years and had seven different queens. The first of these was Queen Nefertari. Ramses II lived for over 90 years and fathered at least 40 daughters and 45 sons. Nefertari was the mother of at least 4 sons and 2 daughters.

Artifacts help identify the mothers of some of Ramses II’s children. However, most of the time, scholars had to make assumptions about a child’s mother based on where his/her images have been found. The four princes believed to be Nefertari’s sons were Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryatum and Meryre. Two princesses identified by scholars as Nefertari’s daughters were Meritamen and Henwttawy. Some scholars speculate that she may have had other children, but no evidence has proved this. ”

—— Ancient History

妮菲塔丽有至少4个儿子和2个女儿。 Amun-her-khepeshef 是最年长的一位,是王位的继承人,也是军队的指挥者。 Pareherwenemef之后在拉美西斯二世的军队中服役。Meryatum王子被提升为Heliopolis的最高祭司。铭文显示他也是妮菲塔丽的儿子。Meryre是在Abu Simbel的小庙外侧提到的,因此也被认为是妮菲塔丽的第四个儿子。Meritamen和Henuttawy是在小庙外侧描述到的王族女儿们,因此也被认为是妮菲塔丽的女儿。

Bak(et)mut,[5] Nefertari,[1] and Nebettawy 三位公主因为出现在Abu Simbel的原因有时候也会被认为是妮菲塔丽的女儿们,但是并没有确切的证据能够证明他们有家庭关系。


古器物品帮助我们能够鉴定拉二一部分孩子的母亲是谁。但是,大多数时间,学者们不得不基于孩子们绘像的发现地点来假设孩子的母亲。被认为是妮菲塔丽儿子的有4位:Amun-her-khepeshef, Pareherwenemef, Meryatum and Meryre。学者鉴定出的妮菲塔丽的两位女儿是Meritamen and Henwttawy。也有一些学者认为妮菲塔丽可能还有别的孩子,但是没有证据能够证明这个推测。

3. 妮菲塔丽墓室

“ Tomb of Nefertari
Main article: Tomb of Nefertari

The tomb of the most important consort of Ramesses was discovered by Ernesto Schiaparelli in 1904.[56][60] Although it had been looted in ancient times, the tomb of Nefertari is extremely important, because its magnificent wall painting decoration is regarded as one of the greatest achievements of ancient Egyptian art. A flight of steps cut out of the rock gives access to the antechamber, which is decorated with paintings based on chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead. This astronomical ceiling represents the heavens and is painted in dark blue, with a myriad of golden five-pointed stars. The east wall of the antechamber is interrupted by a large opening flanked by representation of Osiris at left and Anubis at right; this in turn leads to the side chamber, decorated with offering scenes, preceded by a vestibule in which the paintings portray Nefertari presented to the deities, who welcome her. On the north wall of the antechamber is the stairway down to the burial chamber, a vast quadrangular room covering a surface area of about 90 square metres (970 sq ft), its astronomical ceiling supported by four pillars entirely decorated. Originally, the queen's red granite sarcophagus lay in the middle of this chamber. According to religious doctrines of the time, it was in this chamber, which the ancient Egyptians called the golden hall, that the regeneration of the deceased took place. This decorative pictogram of the walls in the burial chamber drew inspirations from chapters 144 and 146 of the Book of the Dead: in the left half of the chamber, there are passages from chapter 144 concerning the gates and doors of the kingdom of Osiris, their guardians, and the magic formulas that had to be uttered by the deceased in order to go past the doors.[60] ”

—— Wikipedia

“ Ramses II built a beautiful tomb for his wife in the Valley of the Queens near Thebes. It is now known as QV66 and is the largest and most beautiful tomb in the valley. Thieves stole all the queen’s grave goods in antiquity, including her sarcophagus and her mummy. Egyptologists only found fragments of Nefertari’s body and a few grave goods in the tomb.

Nefertari’s tomb is known for the beautiful and well preserved wall paintings. Some of them depict the crown of Queen Nefertari. Often, she wears a crown associated with different goddesses like Isis or Hathor. In her tomb, the wall paintings show the queen honoring the gods and goddesses who would help her on her journey in the afterlife.

The ceiling of the tomb is blue and has stars painted over the ceiling. Most of the wall paintings were well preserved and Egyptologists have worked to restore and protect them. Today, The Egyptian government controls and limits visitors to the cave. Hieroglyphics cover the walls and many are passages from the Book of the Dead. Most of the images are pictorial depictions of several chapters from the Book of the Dead.

Queen Nefertari’s tomb represents a key cultural image for two reasons. The first is that the tomb’s preservation gives scholars a glimpse of the beauty and color that was a part of most royal tombs. Second, it demonstrates the building expertise of artisans during Ramses II’s reign. Some scholars regard her tomb as one of the greatest of the many works completed during his reign.”

妮菲塔丽墓是拉美西斯二世最重要的陵墓,是Ernesto Schiaparelli于1904年发现的。虽然古代被掠夺,但妮菲塔丽墓穴还是极其重要的。壁画装饰被认为是古埃及艺术中最伟大的成就之一。从岩石中切下的台阶可以进入前厅,它是根据《死亡之书》第17章的绘画而装饰的。天花板代表天空,被漆成深蓝色,有无数金色的五角星。前厅的东墙被一个大的开口分开,左边是奥西里斯,右边是阿努比斯;这又导致了侧室,装饰着场景,再往前是一个前厅,上面画的是神灵们展示向妮菲塔丽展示的欢迎。前厅的北墙的楼梯往上是通往墓室的,那里有一个巨大的四边形房间,占地面积约90平方米(970平方英尺),它的天顶由四根柱子支撑装饰。最初,这位王后便躺在这间屋子中央的红色花岗岩石棺之中。根据当时的宗教教义,古埃及人称之这里为“金色大厅”,在这里可以复活死者。墓室墙壁上的装饰用的象形壁画是根据的《死亡之书》144和146章:在房间的左半部分,有关于144章的奥西里斯所统治的冥界大门与他的门卫、监护人和死者必须说出咒语才能通过大门的段落。


4. 终点

“The king spared no expense. Her tomb is decorated with brilliantly-coloured images and text that guide and protect Nefertari through her journey to the Underworld.

Ramesses II usuallynever missed an opportunity to glorify himself. Even the 'small temple' at Abu Simbel dedicated to the goddess Hathor of Ibshek and the deified Nefertari, was adorned with two grand statues of Nefertari, and four of Ramesses II.

However, in her tomb, Ramesses is not depicted or even mentioned. Not once. Ramesses made his final act of devotion to his Queen all about her.”

—— Nile Magazine


5. 关于拉美西斯二世与妮菲塔丽


首先我们都知道拉二与妮菲塔丽的联姻是为了连系上下埃及的权力,这也基本就是妮菲塔丽的资料为什么是在拉二登基之后才被正式记载的原因。妮菲塔丽作为上埃及的贵族 (暂时不讨论她可能拥有的王族血脉),对于拉二为王的道路是必不可少的,可以说,拉二本身是这场婚姻的最大受益者。王权者要维系王权必定是要长久地精心保护其中所有的利益关系,那么为了统帅上下埃及,他最直接的手段便是与妮菲塔丽婚姻的圆满。

那么拉二爱不爱妮菲塔丽呢?自然是爱的。拉二与妮菲的长子便是王位的继承人 (当然也有人说因为是嫡长子,立王储理所应当,这个就看个人的理解了)。但是这份爱的程度是多少呢?我认为拉二的爱是: 王权 > 妮菲塔丽。


可是匪夷所思的却是妮菲之墓。我们都知道妮菲的墓富丽堂皇,当代学者都赞叹是 “ The king spared no expense ”。可是对于墓的描述我们却看到这座王妃之墓里没有任何拉二的存在。无论是壁画还是雕像,对于向来热爱吹嘘自己,连神祗神庙都不肯放过的拉美西斯二世,却唯独没有在妮菲的墓中留下丝毫。我们都知道,埃及法老与王族的墓中皆会放置想要带去往生的物件。可是在妮菲墓中仅有祝福与神明,却没有拉二本身,会不会拉二是在对妮菲塔丽做了告别呢?是往生不再相伴的寓意 ( 往生的祝福图中没有法老)?



究竟这份政治婚姻中有多少是非,想必只有躺在博物馆的拉二木乃伊才最为清楚。但是终其一生,拉二最为迷恋的便是他的权力与功绩。无论是妮菲塔丽还是玛特妮斐鲁丽 (赫梯公主,拉二的大王后,名字的寓意是:见到荷鲁斯,像拉神一样美丽的人),终究为他的王政和权力铺平了道路。


Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nefertari https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses_II

Ancient History:https://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/nefertari.html

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